Red Light Therapy: Achieve Tighter Skin In Windsor Today

Many Americans living in Windsor, Colorado are unaware that they can rejuvenate their skin with cutting edge science. Damaged and loose skin no longer has to plague people. Our red light therapy is scientifically proven to not only tighten skin but also provide a clearer complexion.

Unlike other companies here in Northern Colorado we here at Colorado UltraSlim® specialize in providing full service skin rejuvenation. Our expert staff is trained to tailor fit a procedure to your individual body. To see just how amazing our Skin rejuvenation process is check out our reviews.

Most people simply are not aware that they can reverse the aging process of their skin easily and affordably. You don’t have to buy expensive creams or products. Simply book a consultation session with us today to go over skin tightening.

Here is why everybody living in Ft. Collins and Windsor Colorado should look into getting red light therapy to tighten their skin today.

Why Northern Coloradans Should Look Into Red Light Therapy For Skin Tightening


Most of the people of Windsor and Ft. Collins area love being outdoors. Colorado is continuously ranked as one of the most beautiful states in the continental United States, and here in northern Colorado we get some of the best of it.

Colorado however is known for its extreme temperature changes. Up in the mountains average winter temperatures can drop as low as -20°F. During the summer months the temperature can reach a scalding 95°F. While most people in our state love the outdoors there is one constant threat to your skin regardless of the season.

The Sun. UV damage is one of the main culprits of skin aging. When you go outside without wearing sunblock your skin is taking the brunt of the Sun’s rays. Even wearing sunscreen is not enough. During the winter months the Sun will bounce off the snow causing blinding light and damage to your skin. In the summer months we wear less clothing to enjoy the temperature, however this leaves us more exposed.

UV damage from the Sun will cause your skin to wrinkle and appear older. For the longest time people just lived with this fact as a part of life. However, today we have red light therapy to reverse the damage that the UV rays have caused.

Simply put, when you go outside your skin starts to age from the exposure to the Sun. As your skin starts to age it becomes less tight and starts to wrinkle. Here at Colorado UltraSlim® we specialize in providing treatments to combat and reverse this process.

How Does Red Light Therapy Tighten Your Skin?

UltraSlim® before treatment measurement

Red light therapy helps tighten your skin by stimulating your skin’s natural recovery process without the harmful U.V rays of the Sun.

Your skin and the Sun’s rays are constantly fighting a battle. U.V radiation from the Sun will hit your skin and in response your skin will begin to self-heal. This is done by producing collagen in response to the UV rays.

However, as we age our body’s ability to repair itself naturally begins to diminish. As a result our skin cant repair itself fast enough to combat the Sun’s rays and our skin begins to age. Our skin needs the UV light to stimulate the recovery process but overtime its recovery begins to slow down in relation to the amount of U.V. rays it receives from the sun.

This is where red light therapy comes in. Using L.E.D lights we can ‘trick’ the skin into thinking it’s exposed to the Sun’s rays without the harmful UV rays. As a result of this collagen will start to be produced and begin the recovery process.

The result? Your skin will start to recover naturally without having to fight against the Sun. In essence we create a simulated environment for skin tightening to take place without your skin having to fight back against the harmful UV rays.

Over time you will start to notice firmer and healthier skin using our red light therapy. This is because we tailor the approach to your individual body to achieve maximum results. When done properly you can expect to be satisfied with a healthier and more youthful appearance for years to come.


Red light therapy consistently ranks among one of the best ways to tighten your skin. Here in Windsor and Ft. Collins, Colorado we are exposed year round to nature and with that the harmful Sun. The good news however is that you no longer have to deal with the Sun preemptively aging your skin. With our red light therapy sessions we can get you looking your best today.

In essence there is no reason why the residents of Northern Colorado should not be looking into the benefits of red light therapy for tightening skin. We are non-invasive, easy to perform, and tailor fit our services to your individual body’s needs. If you’re interested in learning more about our process or just want to talk ‘shop’ then I highly encourage you to reach out to us.

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