Skin Rejuvenation

In the world of skin revitalization and anti-aging treatments, every area of the face is subjected to specific changes due to the amount of active facial muscles that help us create expressions daily. While we’re busy making faces and living our adult lives, wrinkles and fine lines find their way into our skin. At first, these lines are small, and we still look young, but as we reach our 30’s they become permanent landmarks in our face.

UltraSlim® Non-Invasive Revitalizing Face Lift

Skin rejuvenation treatments with our UltraSlim® Noninvasive Revitalizing Face Lift can make all the difference in the way your skin bounces back from the weight of these folds. If you’re experiencing the usual markings of severe lines around the nose and mouth, as well as smoker’s lines and Marionette lines, then our UltraSlim® Noninvasive Revitalizing Face Lift will help you.

UltraSlim® offers our clients a state-of-the art wellness treatment to correct these skin concerns as they appear for long-lasting and completely natural modifications. Our UltraSlim® rejuvenation treatments do not require any creams, lotions, potions, or poisonous injectables. This cutting-edge treatment uses, Red Light Therapy, the power of photonic energy (light), to achieve exceptional results. You will love your new, younger, more vibrant skin and face. 

Breasts, arms and your chin can also be tightened and lifted in the noninvasive UltraSlim process.   Other areas that may be loose and sagging due to weight loss may also be treated for long-lasting results.  Physicians often recommend UltraSlim to their liposuction patients after surgery to enhance the results.  You won’t need any expensive creams to maintain results. 

Lose at least 2" today!

No Dieting Exercise Drugs Surgery Pain Discomfort


2025 Specials

$250 Special

15 minute Free phone consultation and a single area spot treatment for  immediate fat loss

$400 Savings

On a package of treatments UltraSlim®UltraYou Transformation

Consult with our technician for your best program UltraSlim® for fat Spot reduction and skin rejuvenation. Optavia for overall weight loss. 

UltraYou choose both programs.

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