How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Muffin top, dad bod, mommy tummy – all names for what is otherwise known as belly fat.  Most of us have dealt with it, are dealing with it, or will deal with it in the future.  Belly fat seems to be an inescapable battle for most adults.  There is no magic pill to instantly erase belly fat, but there are ways to combat it successfully!  This article is going to discuss 3 ways to lose belly fat fast.  If you are one of the thousands of people fighting the battle of the bulge, then this article is for you!

Three ways that you can lose belly fat fast are a healthy diet, exercise, and red light therapy.  A healthy diet and exercise may have elicited an eye roll, but they really are effective, and with the addition of red light therapy to your regimen, you can truly lose belly fat fast!

In our instant gratification society, we have become a pretty impatient human race.  Worthwhile things are often worth waiting for even though that goes against our current mindset.  A healthy lifestyle and a healthy body are worthwhile things.  They may take time and will take effort, but they are worth it.  The United States has become very conscious of body shaming.  A healthy lifestyle and healthy body aren’t about how you look. It is about doing what is best for you and your family so that you can live a long, happy life.  It is great if you are happy with your body, but is your body happy with you?  Or, is it crying out for you to take better care of it?  Are you experiencing aches, pains, or lack of energy?  Are you no longer taking part in activities that you once enjoyed?  If so, then this article will bring you encouragement.  Losing that troublesome belly fat is possible and easier than you once thought!

#1 Healthy Diet

In using the word “diet” we simply mean the food you eat.  Sugary, fatty foods are not part of a healthy diet.  There are some healthy fats, such as avocados, but potato chips are not one of them.  While the recommendations of what to put on your plate have changed over the years, chips and candy have never been a part of them.  According to the Harvard School of Public Health, ½ your plate should contain fruits and vegetables, ¼ of your plate should contain whole grains, and ¼ of your plate should contain healthy protein.

For your fruits and veggies, the Harvard School of Public Health recommends aiming for color and variety.  Don’t eat only bananas every day!  Additionally, remember that potatoes are starch and can negatively affect blood sugar.  Do not use potatoes as your veggies.

For your whole grains, simply replace white foods.  In other words, replace white rice with brown rice and white bread with whole wheat bread.  It may take some getting used to, but often whole grains actually have more flavor.  Foods like quinoa and oats are also good for you.  Remember when your mom made you eat oatmeal for breakfast?  She was right!

Fish, poultry, beans, and nuts are all excellent sources of protein. Protein can help lower your body fat, keep lean muscle, feel full, and lose weight.  Don’t go overboard by drinking 6 protein drinks every day, but protein is definitely your friend.

At Colorado UltraSlim, we offer a healthy eating plan called Optavia.  Sometimes choosing foods or portions on your own can be challenging.  Optavia can help with that.  Optavia also comes with a coach to urge you on and encourage you, to help you every step of the way.

#2 Exercise

Get moving!  No, that was not a drill sergeant yelling at you.  It was your body telling you that even if moving feels difficult or painful right now, it actually needs it.  You can start small because even small steps lead to change.  And, small steps lead to bigger steps, just like when a baby first starts to walk and is suddenly running through the house!

You need to eat fewer calories and burn more calories to lose weight.  Burning calories isn’t as difficult as you think.  Walking is a great way to start.  If you can find a friend to walk with you, then the time will fly by.  If you have a dog, then take your pup along.  They usually love a good walk!  They will be thrilled with your new routine!  Swimming or water aerobics is another great way to start exercising.  It is low-impact and easy on painful joints.  Before you know it, you may be jogging and swimming laps!

#3 Red Light Therapy

UltraSlim’s red light therapy is a painless light therapy that produces immediate results!  With our contouring device, we can focus on any area of the body you wish.  Belly fat does not get to win the battle!  In clinical trials, patients lost an average of 3.52 pounds of fat at each treatment.  You will lose at least 2 inches of belly fat at your first UtlraSlim treatment or get your money back!  What do you have to lose?  Nothing but belly fat!


Are you ready to lose belly fat?  A combination of a healthy diet, exercise, and UltraSlim’s red light therapy is what you need.  Remember, in weight loss, as well as in life, do everything in moderation.  Eating an extreme amount of food is bad for you, but so is eating an extremely small amount of food.  There is a healthy balance to be found, and Colorado UltraSlim is here to help you every step of the way with our Optavia eating plan and red light therapy.  Please give us a call today for your 15-minute phone consultation and single-spot treatment for fat loss for only $179!  We look forward to working with you and celebrating your success!

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